9 hours ago2 min read
Made For More
Boulevard Park, Bellingham, WA A new song that I have on repeat in my brain and Spotify lately is by Josh Baldwin and Jen Johnson, Made...

Jan 52 min read
The Houses That Built Me: Washington
This is the third of my series on The Houses That Built Me. The first two blogs on this subject are: The House That Built Me: Our Last...

Nov 21, 20242 min read
My Health and The Elephant
In 2020, along with Pete’s 3 surgeries and another for myself, I had my gallbladder removed because it was causing pancreatitis. At that...

Jun 18, 20242 min read
The Elephant And My Travels
Just like I’ve established in other blogs, grief doesn’t stop just because I’ve made plans. A month after Pete passed away, I contacted a...