Made For More

A new song that I have on repeat in my brain and Spotify lately is by Josh Baldwin and Jen Johnson, Made for More. The line that gets me is: I wasn’t made to be tending a grave.
I know that it’s a deeply theological statement about not focusing on our sins and failures but all I can think of is Pete’s grave. As I’ve passed the 2nd holiday season without him here and the 2 year anniversary of his death, that song means a lot to me.
I know God would have it this way but I also think Pete would wish this for me as well.
I know who I am 'cause I know who You are
The cross of salvation was only the start
Now I am chosen, free and forgiven
I have a future and it's worth the living
'Cause I wasn't made to be tending a grave
I was called by name
Born and raised back to life again
I was made for more
So why would I make a bed in my shame
When a fountain of grace is running my way
I know I am Yours
And I was made for more
I know who I am 'cause I know who You are
The cross of salvation was only the start
Now I am chosen, free and forgiven
I have a future and it's worth the living
'Cause I wasn't made to be tending a grave
I was called by name
Born and raised back to life again
I was made for more
So why would I make a bed in my shame
When a fountain of grace is running my way
I know I am Yours
And I was made for more
What does “more” mean for me? Of course, it doesn’t mean forgetting the love and life I had with Pete or the disappearance of my elephant. It does mean that I’ve made it through two years of:
Dealing with my emotions head-on
Celebrating major life changes in the family without Pete
Making new memories where we used to live in Washington state on the 2-year anniversary
Watching all of the sappy movies we loved and bawling through them
Moving 6 times
Beating myself up for “floundering” in various decisions but working to give myself grace and mercy
It does mean, too, that I will be:
Thinking higher of myself because I survived two years
Grateful for the good and hard memories I was a part of, as well as the friendships that have carried me
Kinder with myself
Hopeful for a relationship in the future but also working on loving myself and not rushing anything to just avoid loneliness
Holding loosely what I can’t affect but depending on Him to change what only He can do
I don’t know what all “more” He has planned for me, but I am open to it all, thankful for who I am today, and expectant of more than I can ever think of or imagine.